Monday, March 20, 2006

As promised, here an update on my bankroll…

Total Bankroll: $352.80

Bonuses: $307.18
$75.00 – Instant Bankroll
$25.00 – Party Poker Sign-up Bonus
$50.00 – Golden Riviera Sign-up Bonus
$70.00 – Poker Rewards Sign-up Bonus
$43.59 – Party Poker Reload Bonus
$43.59 – Party Poker Reload Bonus

Limit Ring Games: $49.91
$10.29 – Party Poker
-$43.17 – Golden Riviera
$82.79 – Poker Rewards

NL Ring Games: -$1.79
-$1.79 – Poker Rewards (had that much left in my account when I left and just donked it off!!)

Tournament: -$2.50
-$5.50 – Party Poker *
$3.00 – Golden Riviera **

* played in a few freerolls and finished in the money in the money in two of them and also played 2 SNG and finished out of the money
** played a couple of freeroll and managed to finish in the money in one of them

A few thoughts …

  • My BR is growing as I expected at this point … mostly via bonus chasing
  • I’m playing a profitable game at the moment, maybe a bit less than I expected but profitable non the less
  • My winrate at the moment is about 1.25 BB / hour … OK, not great

The bottom line is I’m growing my BR and learning the on-line game. I still believe my initial goal of settling in at the $3/$6 and / or $5/$10 limit games is achievable, the more important question is how long will it take to get there. I’ll leave that for another post.

As for what’s next, well I’ve managed to clear 2 of the 3 bonuses at Party and will work on the third between now and Wednesday (not sure I will be able to clear the 3rd bonus but we’ll see). The Geek has found and suggested we head off to River Belle next with a 100% sign-up bonus up to $200 and only requires a 7x to clear. This is another Prima site and I’ve had mixed results there but the bonus looks reasonably easy to clear.

We’ll see, after Wednesday I’ll make my decision and go from there.

Till then, AA up


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